Dr. Renee’ Anderson Speaks to Historic Costume About Handling Costume Collection Acquisitions

Dr. Renee’ Anderson, Collection Manager at the National Museum of African American History and Culture at the Smithsonian, and former UNT Merchandising faculty member, visited with Dr. Kinley’s Historic Costume (MDSE 3350) students on November 16.  She presented a program titled “Bits and Pieces” to describe the research adventures, challenges, and discoveries of handling a large costume donation.  She talked about everything from handling small critters who like to eat wool to authenticating a dress owned by an enslaved woman to solving the mystery of a blouse lining that just did not seem right for the piece.  She also shared some of the body of work of Anne Lowe, one of America’s most significant designers.  It was so good to have her back “on campus” – even if by Zoom!