Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet the requirements for admission to the Toulouse Graduate School and the HTAN program.

  • The requirements for admission to the Toulouse Graduate School include a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and an expected 3.00 GPA in the undergraduate degree. Contact the HTM Graduate Coordinator ( if you have questions about a GPA below 3.0.
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  • In addition, the department checklist includes:
      • Resume
      • Statement of Purpose: This is the applicant's opportunity to address why they are seeking to obtain this graduate degree. Your statement of purpose should not exceed 2 pages, with 1" margins and a 12-point font. In this statement, please provide the following information:
    •          Name:
    •          UNT Student ID (8-digit number):
      • Then specifically address the following:
          • Identify and describe your undergraduate degree. Provide an overview of primary content and any specializations, minors or certificates you also earned. Please specify any data analytics skills you learned in your undergraduate program.
          • Describe your prior and/or current work experience; specifically, work experience related to the hospitality and tourism industry, and work experience in data analytics.
          • Describe any unpaid, volunteer or service work that is related to the degree you are seeking.
          • Identify scholarships, awards or recognitions earned, especially ones related to your educational or professional career.
          • Identify your professional goals. How will the graduate degree help you achieve these goals?
          • Provide any additional information you would like to share for the application review.
  • References may be requested by the HTM Graduate Coordinator.
  • GMAT/GRE scores are NOT required

Application Steps

For step-by-step instructions on the application process, please visit the Graduate Admissions website. This will include details on how to submit materials including transcripts, letters of recommendation and other items.