Xi Yu Leung Ph.D.

Hospitality Event and Tourism Management, Graduate Advising
Associate professor & HTM Graduate Coordinator
Xi Yu Leung, Ph.D.



Dr. Cece X. Y. Leung is an Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator in the Department of Hospitality, Event & Tourism Management at the University of North Texas. She earned her Ph.D. degree in Hospitality Administration from the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She joined the faculty at UNT in 2016. Before joining UNT, she had over 10 years of industry experience in event, tourism, and revenue management. With a diverse working background, she teaches courses on hospitality marketing and information technology, including HMGT 4600 Information Technology in Hospitality & Tourism, HMGT 3300 Hospitality Industry Marketing & Sales, HMGT 5585 Smart Destination, and CMHT 5400 Quantitative Data Analysis.

Dr. Leung’s research interests include information technology, social media, hospitality management, destination marketing, and hospitality education. Her work emphasizes applying new technology as tools for hospitality/tourism management and employing the experimental method to test and advance theories. She has published 96 articles in peer review hospitality and tourism journals (82 in SSCI journals) and delivered 71 presentations at various domestic and international academic conferences. She has also led and participated in 14 internal and external funded grants. As a demonstration of research excellence, she has been honored with 17 research awards, including “World’s Top 2% Cited Scientist List by Stanford University,” “Toulouse Scholars Award,” “Article of the Year Award,” “Conference Best Paper Award,” “Highly Commended Paper Award,” and “Most-Accessed Dissertations & Theses Award.”

Dr. Leung is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Tourism Review (SSCI, Impact Factor = 7.3) and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI, Impact Factor = 7.6). She also serves on the editorial board for nine top-tier hospitality and tourism journals, including Journal of Travel Research, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Information Technology & Tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, Tourism Analysis, and Journal of Global Hospitality and Tourism.

Selected Research Publications
  • Zhang H.*, Leung, X. Y., Bai, B., & Li, Y. (2021). Uncovering crowdsourcing in tourism apps: A grounded theory study. Tourism Management, 87, 104389. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 10.967).
  • Wen, T., Leung, X. Y., Li, B., & Hu, L. (2021). Pleasure or pain? A study of framing effect in online travel package choice applying double-entry mental accounting theory. Annals of Tourism Research, 90, 103265. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 9.011)
  • Zhang, H.*, Leung, X. Y., & Bai, B. (2021). Destination sustainability in the sharing economy: A conceptual framework applying the capital theory approach. Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2021.1937076. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 7.430)
  • Sun, J., Leung, X. Y., & Bai, B. (2021). How social media influencer’s event endorsement changes attitudes of followers: The moderating effect of followers’ gender. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-09-2020-0959. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 6.514)
  • Wen, H., & Leung, X. Y. (2021). Virtual wine tours and wine tasting: The influence of offline and online embodiment integration on wine purchase decisions. Tourism Management. 83, 104250. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 10.967).
  • Cai, R. & Leung, X. (2020). Mindset matters in purchasing online food deliveries during the pandemic: The application of construal level and regulatory focus theories. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 91, 102677. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 9.237)
  • Leung, X. Y., & Yang, Y. (2020). Are all five points equal? Scaling heterogeneity in hotel online ratings. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88, 102539. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 9.237)
  • Leung, X. Y., Lyu, J. & Bai, B. (2020). A fad or the future? Examining the effectiveness of virtual reality advertising in the hotel industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 88, 102391. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 9.237)
  • Leung, X. Y., Xue, L., & Wen, H. (2019). Framing the sharing economy: Toward a sustainable ecosystem. Tourism Management, 71, 44-53. (SSCI; Impact Factor: 10.967)