Kiseol Yang, Ph.D.

Kiseol Yang, Ph.D.

Kiseol Yang, Ph.D.

Professor & MDR Graduate Program Coordinator
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My academic journey is driven by Agile Innovation. My work creates a leap in value and accelerates a process of innovation by reconfiguring sustainable academic and business models through open innovation. As a leading digital retailing scholar, the accelerating pace of multiple technologies and their applications have focused my research and teaching on an agile innovation framework that empowers academia and industry. 


  • DRTL 4090/MDSE 5090: Digital Merchandising
  • MDSE 5710: Digital Optimization
  • MDSE 5750: Digital Retailing

Research Focus

  • Impact of mobilie and digital technologies on consumer markets
  • Implementations of digital channels 

Techchnology Instruction

  • E-commerce content management system: Magento, Demandware (Salesforce commerce cloud)
  • Web image editing program: LiquiFire OS (Dynamic imaging solution), Fireworks
  • Prototype of website development platform: UXPin


  • Curriculum and Campus Internationalization (Institute for curricum and campus internationalization at Indiana University) 

  • User Experience Research: Nielsen Norman Group



-Ranked in the world's top 1% most cited researchers among ten million scientists in 2019- 2022 based on the C index, developed by scientists at Stanford University. Source:

-Kiseol Yang Google Scholar 


Selected Research Publications

  • Jeong, M., Yang, K., Kim, H., & Min, J. (2024). Curation subscription box services: Implications for the pet industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 76. 103573 (SSCI).
  • Min, J., Kim, J., & Yang, K. (2023). CSR attributions and the moderating effect of perceived CSR fit on consumer trust, identification, and loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 72 (May) (SSCI).
  • Kim, J., Yang, K., Min, J., & White, B. (2022). Hope, fear, and consumer behavioral change amid COVID-19: Application of protection motivation theory. International Journal of Consumer Studies (SSCI). 
  • Min, J., Yang, K., & Kim, J. (2022). The role of perceived vulnerability in restaurant customers’ co-creation behavior and repatronage intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Vacation Marketing (SSCI). 
  • Min, J., Kim, J., & Yang, K. (2021). How generations differ in coping with a pandemic?: The case of restaurant industry. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (SSCI).
  • Min, J., Yang, K., & Thapa, A. (2021). Dark tourism segmentation by tourists’ motivations for visiting earthquake sites in Nepal: Implications for dark tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research (SSCI).
  • Yang, K., Kim, J., & Min, J., & Hernandez-Calderon, A. (2021). Effects of retailers' service quality and legitimacy on behavioral intention: The role of emotions during COVID-19. Special issue of COVID-19 and service industries in The Services Industries Journal. SSCI.
  • Kim, J., Yang, K., Zeng, X. & Cheng, H-P (2020). The influence of perceived benefit on structural, cognitive and relational social capital in fashion blogs: the study of female users. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. SSCI 
  • Yang, K., Kim, H., & Tanoff, L. (2020). Signaling trust: Cues from Instagram posts. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications. SSCI.
  • Yang, K., Kim, H., & Zimmerman, J. (2020). Emotional branding on fashion brand websites: Harnessing the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance (P-A-D) model. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management. SSCI.
  • Yang, K. (2019). Redesigning an online store user interface: A user-centered design approach. Special issue of Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, 27, 22-26.
  • Yang, K., Min, J. H., & Garza-Baker, K. (2019). Post-stay email marketing implications for the hotel  industry: Role of email features, attitude, revisit intention and leisure    involvement level. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 25(4), 405-417 (R), SSCI.
  • Yang, K. Kim, J., Castillo, Y., and Tsai, Y. (2019). Mobile shopping site attributes creating user value and service satisfaction. International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing, 8(1), 44-53.
  • Kim, E., & Yang, K. (2018). Self-service technologies (SSTs) streamlining consumer experience in the fashion retail stores: The role of perceived interactivity. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 9(4), 287-304, ESCI.
  • Kim, H. J., Yang, K., & Lee, Y. E. (2018). The moderating effect of trust and commitment in customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on mobile grocery purchasing quality attributes.  Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, 47(2), 207-221(R), SCOPUS.
  •  Lee, Y., Haley, E., & Yang, K. (2017). The role of organization perception, perceived consumer effectiveness and self-efficacy in recycling advocacy advertising effectiveness. Environmental  Communication. 5(6), 1-16, SSCI
  • Yang, K. Kim, J., & Kim, Y. (2017). The effect of brand consciousness on interpersonal influences, brand values, and purchase intention: Cases for American and Korean college students. Journal  of Global Fashion Marketing. 8(2), 83-97, ESCI. Best journal paper awarded