Required Courses (12 Credits)

Here are the required courses (any 4) that students learn in a hospitality management minor:

  • HMGT 1450 Principles of Nutrition
  • HMGT 1470 Principles of Food Preparation
  • HMGT 1500 Orientation to the Hospitality Industry
  • HMGT 2800 Found. of Int’l Travel & Tourism (OR) HMGT 2810 Intro to Int’l Sustainable Tourism

Electives Courses (6 Credits)

Plus two from the following list:

  • CMHT 4000 Any HETM Study Tour
  • CMHT 4750 Managing a Diverse Workforce
  • EDEM 3240 Convention and Event Mgmt.
  • HMGT 3260 Resort and Club Mgmt.
  • HMGT 3700 Hotel Operations
  • HMGT 3920 Recent Developments in Hosp.
  • HMGT 4300 Survey of Beverages


  • All CMHT minors require a minimum grade of C or higher to be earned in each required course.
  • To officially declare a minor, contact the academic advisor for your major.
  • CMHT students cannot major and minor in the same discipline. 
What other minors are offered in CMHT?